Techniques for mixing Winsor & Newton Professional Half Pan Watercolour paints

Mixing Winsor & Newton Professional half pan watercolour paints can be an enjoyable and rewarding process. Here are some techniques you can use to mix these paints:

  1. Start with the lightest colour: Begin by adding a small amount of the lightest colour you want to use to your palette. Then, gradually add more colour until you achieve the desired shade.
  2. Use a wet-on-wet technique: Wet your brush with clean water and then dip it into the paint you want to use. Then, apply the wet paint to the wet paper, and allow the colours to blend and merge naturally.
  3. Mix colours on your palette: You can mix colours on your palette using a brush or by using a palette knife. Start with a small amount of the first colour, and gradually add more of the second colour until you achieve the desired shade.
  4. Layer colours: Layering colours on top of each other can create interesting and complex colour effects. Start with the lightest colour and then layer darker colours on top.
  5. Experiment: One of the best things about watercolour painting is the ability to experiment with different techniques and combinations of colours. Don’t be afraid to try new things and see what works best for you.